Анонси > International section
Navigation through Classiccar-bg.com
Hello dear international fans of classic cars.
With this thread I would like to introduce you to the structure of our forum and where you can find the information you need.
1. За Форума classiccar-bg.com : For Classiccar-bg.com
Here you can find discussions regarding technical problems with the forum itself. If you notice a problem or you need a technical support, please report it here.
2. Общи приказки : General discussions
Here you can find discussions on almost all topics which do not regard to classic cars or do not fit in the other forums.
3. Ретро автомобили и мотори под наем : Retro cars and bikes FOR RENT
Here you can find our latest offers for RENT-A-ClassicCAR in Bulgaria. Prom or Wedding, .
4. Видео и Снимки : Movies and pictures
In this forum you can find interesting movies and pictures of classic cars and youngtimers, abandoned classics from Bulgaria and all around the world.
5. Срещи : Meetings
Here you can learn more about the meeting organized by classiccar-bg.com members and retro fans.
6. Ретро събори и паради : Retro cruises
Here you can find information regarding annual classic car and motorcycle parades organized by classic car clubs from all around Bulgaria.
7. Общ технически : Technical forum
In this forum you will find discussions and solutions on general technical problems inherent to out cars and motorcycles.
8. Американски автомобили : American cars
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding American cars.
9. British Classics : British classics
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding British classic cars.
10. На изток от Желязната завеса : East of Iron Curtain
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding cars built in the Soviet Union and other socialist countries that belonged to the Eastern Block.
11. Италиански автомобили : Cars from Italy
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding cars crafted in Italy.
12. Немски автомобили : Cars from Germany
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding cars built in Germany.
13. Френски автомобили : Cars from France
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding cars built in France.
14. Шведски автомобили : Cars from Sweden
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding cars built in Sweden.
15. Японски автомобили : Cars from Japan
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding cars built in Japan.
16. Ретро мотоциклети : Retro motorcycles
Here you can find pictures, information and discussions regarding vintage motorcycles in Bulgaria.
17. Реставраторски работилници : Restoration shops
Here you can find pictures and information about people who professionally restore and customize retro rides in Bulgaria.
18. Купува : Wanted
That is our "Wanted" section.
19. Продава : For Sale
That is our "Classified" section.
20. Подарява : Give away
That is our "Give away" section in case you want to give something for free.
21. Приключени сделки : Completed Deals
That is the place you can find all the obsolete adverts in order to compare prices, dig out a seller info or just look around.
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